An older man smiles at his phone while sitting on a porch.

Tips for Caring for Aging Parents from a Distance

Caring for aging parents is a significant responsibility, and for many adult children, the challenge is intensified when they live far away. See our tips for navigating long-distance caregiving.

Tips for Caring for Aging Parents from a Distance

Caring for aging parents is a significant responsibility, and for many adult children, the challenge is intensified when they live far away. See our tips for navigating long-distance caregiving.

Advantages of Regular Vital Monitoring for Chronic Health Conditions

Advantages of Regular Vital Monitoring for Chro...

For many older adults, living with chronic health conditions is a part of daily life, but with the right care and attention, older adults can enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life....

Advantages of Regular Vital Monitoring for Chro...

For many older adults, living with chronic health conditions is a part of daily life, but with the right care and attention, older adults can enjoy a fulfilling and healthy life....

An older adult woman holds hands with her adult daughter while they walk on the beach.

Introducing VITAdLS: Simplified At-Home Health ...

We are thrilled to announce the launch of VITAdLS to simplify at-home health monitoring for older adults! They take the measurements, and you get the data. No Bluetooth pairing or phone apps...

Introducing VITAdLS: Simplified At-Home Health ...

We are thrilled to announce the launch of VITAdLS to simplify at-home health monitoring for older adults! They take the measurements, and you get the data. No Bluetooth pairing or phone apps...